In a stroke of good luck, IO has been able to obtain syllabi for North American courses in the political economy of communication offered by historical and contemporary leaders in this field: Dallas Smythe, Herbert Schiller, Vincent Mosco, and Janet Wasko. Smythe’s and Herbert Schiller’s syllabi were each given to Dan Schiller nearly fifty years ago; while Professors Mosco and Wasko kindly sent us theirs for this special posting. All apart from Herbert Schiller’s are graduate course syllabi. The syllabi reflect thinking and pedagogy in the political economy of communication over a period of sixty years. They offer a glimpse of both the diverse range of perspectives enfolded in this tradition, and some of the changes and continuities that have marked it.
- Dallas Smythe: Com. 467 The Political Economy of Communication
- Dallas Smythe: Com. 468 The Political Economy of Communication
- Herbert I. Schiller: Comm. 181 The Political Economy of International Communication (Winter Quater 1976)
- Vincent Mosco: Selected Topics in Communication: The Political Economy of Communication (2000-2001)
- Janet Wasko: J646 Political Economy of Media (Winter 2018)